Apm tracing has some trouble from dapr

APM Server : 7.16.3
Elastic : 8.1.2
Dapr : 1.7.1
Otlp collector: 0.5

I used APM server to save Opentelemetry tracing data, used Otlp expoter and saved data to APM and zipkin. But I has found a problem:
This is zipkin's tracing datas:

next is APM tracing data:

The result is APM's data less one, which is called by dapr invoke --app-id appid --method methodName , runing mode is sidecar with grpc , the tracing data is

    "traceId": "f82f08ce1349a4d998f14de04476f539",
    "id": "c43c4e11289f176e",
    "kind": "CLIENT",
    "name": "calllocal/test-server/amazing",
    "timestamp": 1657791087536411,
    "duration": 89351,
    "localEndpoint": {
      "serviceName": "test-server",
      "ipv4": ""
    "tags": {
      "dapr.api": "POST /v1.0/invoke/test-server/method/Amazing",
      "dapr.protocol": "http",
      "dapr.status_code": "200",
      "net.peer.name": "test-server",
      "opencensus.status_description": "OK",
      "rpc.service": "ServiceInvocation"

Is APM suported dapr with grpc ?

    endpoint: ""  


      receivers: [otlp]
      processors: [batch]
      exporters: [zipkin,otlp/elastic,file]

This is otlp config.yaml.

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