Application log file integration


I'm looking for solutions for 2 use cases

  1. Is there any plugin for mongo db to logstash? I want to import data into logstash and analyze it.

  2. My application written in Python/Django, now Im writing log files into files into local disk. Is there any way to move them to logstash?

  1. There's no official MongoDB input plugin, but see
  2. Yes, use a file input. I'd use a custom JSON formatter on the Python side so that the logs can be ingested by Logstash without additional parsing.

Thank You

I believe file input will read from Log file hence there wont be any performance hit to my application. Is my understanding correct?

Correct, although Filebeat or Logstash itself will require some system resources but unless you're logging a lot it'll be negligible.

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Thank you.