Applying filter condition


In the following query "Course" is a Array data type.

"query": {
{ "terms": { "CategoryId":["3456", "1053"] } },
{ "terms": { "SubType":["1102" , "2348"]} },
{ "terms": { "Course":["1456" , "1458"]} },
"lat": 4.482137,
"lon": 51.0355306
"lat": 4.482137,
"lon": 51.0146768
"sort": { "createdDate": { "order": "desc" }}

I want to retrive data which has COURSE as "1456" and "1458" right now it works "OR" but I want to apply "AND". How to do it?

If you want to meet both conditions, you need to use a bool query/filter. Ie. replace:

{ "terms": { "Course":["1456" , "1458"]} },


{ "bool": {
  "must": [ 
    { "term": { "Course": "1456" } },
    { "term": { "Course": "1458" } }
 } }
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It worked Thank you !!