ASP.NET Core on Azure App Service

APM Agent language and version: ASP.Net Core NuGet package Elastic.Apm.NetCoreAll (1.7.0)

Original install method: NuGet package

Is there anything special in your setup?: I need to output to a Logstash server. Also, I'm hosting my application in Azure App Services.

Is it possible to monitor an ASP.Net Core application hosted in Azure App Service? How? I couldn't find information in the docs of APM or an extension on the Extensions page of the App Service. Currently, changing the way the app is hosted is difficult due to other needs of my company.

I already configured the app as said in Set up the ASP.NET Core agent

Hi @Rolfen,

Is it possible to monitor an ASP.Net Core application hosted in Azure App Service? How?

Yes, it's possible. The setup doc you linked shows you how to turn on the agent for an ASP.NET Core application. It doesn't matter where the application runs, it can be an Azure App Service, on premise, AWS, GCP, the hosting model doesn't matter, that's why we don't have a doc per hosting. As long as the agent can send data to the APM Server, it should work.

If you tried it and it doesn't work, it's worth looking at the troubleshooting section. One thing that comes to my mind: make sure the url&port to the APM Server is open from the monitored application.

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