Helllo and welcome,
I think you are mixing some things.
F5 LTM is a load balancer, it will distribute the request between multiple destinations, Kafka is event store and stream processing tool that can also be used as a message broker or buffer, they had nothing to do with each other.
You would use a load balance when you need to distribute the events between multiple servers for high availability or because one server alone can not keep up with all events and you would use Kafka when you need to have a buffer of events to have high availability, distribute the processing of the events and deal with event spikes.
It is pretty common to use both Load Balancers and Kafka in combination with Logstash.
Also, adding Kafka has no relation in reducing Logstash instances, on the contrary, normally you add Kafka when you need more Logstash instances to process your data.
As an example, I have something closer to 50k events/s and I use both Load Balancers, multiple Logstash instances and Kafka, some logstash instances act as producers for Kafka, they receive the data and send to Kafka, no parsing is done, other logstash instances act as consumers for Kafka, they get data from Kafka topics, parse it and send to Elasticsearch.
To move something closer to 200k events/s as Badger has calculated, your main bottleneck will probably be your output, you can do that with Logstash but it would not be simple, multiple instances, load balancers and maybe Kafka would be required.
I think that the best way to find what kind of infrastructure you will need is by testing it, also, Logstash is more CPU bounded, it does not make much sense to use more than 8 GB of HEAP for it, so 16 GB machines would be fine.