Hi everybody,
How is it going?
Let's see if someone can help me with this. Sorry if the question is trivial (I am new in using elasticsearch)
I have a question regarding the use of the s3 repository plugin in order to automate de snapshot process of our elasticsearch cluster, specifically we are using the plugin version 7.17.6 along with a self-managed elasticsearch version 7.17.6 running on-premises.
We are trying to register an s3 repository
PUT _snapshot/s3_repository_example
"type" : "s3",
"settings" : {
"client": "default",
"bucket" : "bucket-name",
"base_path": "snapshot",
"storage_class" : "standard_ia",
"endpoint": "https://s3.eu-south-2.amazonaws.com",
"proxy.host": "proxy.example.local",
"proxy.port": "4444",
"region": "eu-south-2"
and we are getting the following error.
"caused_by" : {
"type" : "i_o_exception",
"reason" : "Unable to upload object [snapshot/tests-aMqZ1xIiST2J32WPngfCyg/master.dat] using a single upload",
"caused_by" : {
"type" : "amazon_s3_exception",
"reason" : "Access Denied (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID: XXXXXXXXXXXX; S3 Extended Request ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXX)"
Point that we have added the access_key and the secret_key to the the keystore in all nodes and restarted all of them but the problem persists.
I suspect that this behaviour might be caused by the fact that the credentials which we are using are linked to an IAM role and in order to grant the access to the bucket we need to provide the role to get the authorization.
Is there a way to assume an IAM role the same way as it is done in plugins like the input s3 plugin in logstash? or Is there any other way to do that?
s3 {
id => "example-id"
access_key_id => "acces-key"
secret_access_key => "secret-key"
role_session_name => "role-name"
role_arn => "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:role/role-name"
region => "region"
bucket => "bucket-name"
interval => 300
additional_settings => {
force_path_style => true
follow_redirects => false
I'll appreciate your help because we are stuck due to this issue.
Thanks in advance