Atlas Mongodb cluster not working with metricbeat

Hello, I am unable to connect my atlas cluster with metric. If I use self-hosted MongoDB URL it works fine but if I use atlas cluster it throws an error saying "no reachable servers"

Hi @Rohail1, welcome to the Elastic community forums!

A few questions to help us troubleshoot the issue:

  1. What version of Metricbeat are you running?

  2. Could you re-run Metricbeat with -d'*' (this will enable debug logging) and then post your complete Metricbeat log (from start up to about 20 seconds after start up) here, with any sensitive information redacted from it?

  3. Are you able to use a MongoDB client from the same host where Metricbeat is running and the same configuration as the mongodb Metricbeat module to connect to your Atlas MongoDB cluster?


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