AuditBeat And Oracle Linux


Is there any plan to make Auditbeat work Oracle Linux ?
As far as I have seen it is not certified right now.

Thank you.

@Murat_Celebi We don't have any plans at the moment of officially supporting it. What doesn't work?

Hi @cwurm,

When we try to start Auditbeat service we are getting the below error.

2019-05-24T01:34:25.320+0300 INFO instance/beat.go:359 auditbeat stopped.
2019-05-24T01:34:25.322+0300 ERROR instance/beat.go:906 Exiting: 1 error: 1 error: this metricset does not support OS family

Ah yes, sorry about that unclear error message. You can circumvent it by commenting out the package dataset of the system module. We are already working on a fix.

Hi Cristoph,

Could you please tell me how to do that ?

edit: found it thank you very much


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