Auditbeat-* No results match your search criteria

Fresh ElasticStack 7.10 deployment on Azure. Elastic Agents have been deployed. The indices for packetbeat-* and auditbeat-* are not found. Date range expanded to a YEAR.

Here are the installed Integrations.

Neither auditbeat or packetbeat appear in the Datastream.

Thanks in advance for the assist. What have I overlooked?

Also, seeing Detections and Host Events.

The endpoints are a combo of on-premise and cloud assets. However, no Network Events are present.

Hi @Vigilox welcome to the community.
It looks like you are using the new Elastic Agent and Ingest Manager / Fleet.
This was newly released in 7.9, and is still in beta in 7.10.x
Not all the current beats integrations / functionality are supported yet, which include packetbeat and auditbeat functionality. Over time more will be added.

"Integrations for popular services and platforms: 7.9 has support for ~40 integrations, with plans to port all 100+ Beats modules over in the next few releases. Integrations ship with prepackaged content like dashboards and a data transformation pipeline that let you go from data to insight in literally minutes."

Thank you for the warm welcome and the reply.

I previously reviewed the link you provided. However, in my excitement, I overlooked the "Elastic Agent (beta) [currently] supports logs, metrics, and endpoint security data" part.

Apologies. I got ahead of things.

All good. We'll keep watching for additional integrations e.g. auditbeat, packetbeat in upcoming releases.

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