But i followed the same steps on Linux system, it works, it gave me the following error: {"error":"AuthenticationException[missing authentication token for REST request [/]]","status":401}
Are there additional steps to be followed on mac ?
Followed all the steps in the longer version and added the following to the .bash_profile:
export ES_HOME="/Users/Downloads/elasticsearch-1.5.2"
export PATH=$PATH:$ES_HOME/bin/shield
export ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Des.path.conf=$ES_HOME/config"
And restarted ES service.
Can you confirm that there is not another instance of Elasticsearch already running on the machine? To do this, stop your Elasticsearch instance, and run the same request
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/'
and if you get any response at all, there is another instance of ES already running.
My bad, yes, I got a response, but there was no ElasticSearch process listed when i list jps or when i grep for all java processes. Or i do not know if there was another way to check it, i restarted my system, It works now.
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