Autosuggestion using Elasticsearch for huge data content

I am trying to use autosuggestion feature on two fields, "title" and "content".Content field is huge (about 30-40 pages). How do I index this field? My suggestion query works only when data is searched from the very first character. Is there a way to over come this issue?
Thanks in Advance

I am not an expert so don't take my suggestion for granted.

"My suggestion query works only when data is searched from the very first character" :
By this do you mean first character of content/title field ?

  • do you have any analyser ? if so what is it's tokenizer(i suggest using whitespace if not used).

Or if you mean first character of any word ?

  • Then i suggest you look at ngram analyser with fuzziness (It is probably not a very good idea with content field so big as this would increase your index size drastically and fuzziness might make the match documents with less relevance too)
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