Avro to Json

I am consuming data from Kafka with INPUT configuration:

    input {
      kafka {
        codec => avro {
            schema_uri => "/etc/logstash/avro.avsc"

        key_deserializer_class => "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer"
        value_deserializer_class => "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer"

Schema is:

   "namespace": "avro_data",
   "type": "record",
   "name": "event",
     {"name": "timestamp", "type": "long"},
     {"name": "src",       "type": "string"},
     {"name": "host_ip",   "type": "string"},
     {"name": "rawdata",   "type": "bytes"}

My problem is that data in "rawdata" are nested, there is a lot of fields. And in Kibana i do see all these data in that one "rawdata" field.
Example in "rawdata" fieled:

{"timestamp":"Mon May 24 12:34:23 UTC 2021","src":"avro_syslog","hostT01":"device1","host_ip":"device1","tag":"hello","type":"syslog","source":"syslog","msg":"%Viptela-device1-ftmd-6-INFO-1400002: bfd-state-change severity-level:major host-name:device1 system-ip: src-ip: dst-ip: proto:ipsec src-port:12346 dst-port:12386 local-system-ip: local-color:custom1 remote-system-ip: remote-color:custom1 new-state:up deleted:false flap-reason:na","raw":"<190>FTMD[1285]: %Viptela-device1-ftmd-6-INFO-1400002: 2021-05-24 12:34:21 Notification: bfd-state-change severity-level:major host-name:device1 system-ip: src-ip: dst-ip: proto:ipsec src-port:12346 dst-port:12386 local-system-ip: local-color:custom1 remote-system-ip: remote-color:custom1 new-state:up deleted:false flap-reason:na"}

I want to see for examle in Kibana a value "tag" which is in "rawdata" as separated field, not nested in "rawdata".
Is there a way hot to pars it or split it?


Use a json filter to parse the [rawdata] field.

i tried, but for some reason it parsing some messages and some not. Did not find a reason why.

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