AWS EKS metric beat missing cluster information

We have a number of EKS clusters and can see that we are missing some metadata related to the cluster is missing in metrics

The items that we are missing are


these are defined at

Replicating the AWS API call in via the cli

[root@ip-10-1-3-14 /]# AWS_PAGER="" aws ec2 describe-tags --filters Name=resource-id,Values=i-1234567890 Name=key,Values=eks:cluster-name
    "Tags": []

the cluster name is missing... but looking at all the tags I can see that AWS have started prefixing them with aws:

So updating the filter to match this change

[root@ip-10-1-3-14 /]# AWS_PAGER="" aws ec2 describe-tags --filters Name=resource-id,Values=i-123456789 Name=key,Values=aws:eks:cluster-name
    "Tags": [
            "Key": "aws:eks:cluster-name",
            "ResourceId": "i-123456789",
            "ResourceType": "instance",
            "Value": "main"

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