Beat-xpack module doesn't work on localhost 5066 port

[root@xyz modules.d]# cat beat-xpack.yml
# Module: beat
# Docs:

- module: beat
    - stats
    - state
  period: 10s
  http.enabled: true
  hosts: ["http://localhost:5066"]
  #username: "user"
  #password: "secret"
  xpack.enabled: true

There are errors when I test beat module

[root@xyz modules.d]# metricbeat test modules beat
    error... ERROR error making http request: Get http://localhost:5066/stats: dial tcp [::1]:5066: connect: no route to host
    error... ERROR error making http request: Get http://localhost:5066/state: dial tcp [::1]:5066: connect: no route to host

All other modules (elasticsearch, system, kibana) are working nicely
Any heap is much appreciated

Hi @xpacker, welcome to the Elastic community forums!

It sounds like the Beat you are trying to monitor with the beat module is not serving it's API at localhost:5066. Try adding http.enabled: true to that Beat's configuration file.


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