Beats and Elastic Agent data streams

Well If there is a module that is the same as an integration you can actually do this...

BTW ... Installing Integration assets is a great "hack" errrr I mean workaround for lots of things... you can basically use filebeat and trick it into acting like a full Agent.... so you can use the pipelines, dashboards etc..etc.. send the data to the data stream... and WALLUH (YMMV)

Example hack with filebeat to use and integration

- type: filestream
  id: my-filestream-id
  enabled: true
    - /var/log/*.log
  fields_under_root: true
    data_stream.type: logs
    data_stream.dataset: system.syslog
    data_stream.namespace: default

setup.ilm.enabled: false
setup.template.enabled: false
# setup.template.settings:
#   index.number_of_shards: 1


  hosts: ["http://localhost:9200"]
  index: "%{[data_stream.type]}-%{[data_stream.dataset]}-%{[data_stream.namespace]}" 

this works for lots of integrations, nginx fw logs etc..etc..

This works for logs etc ...

But will probably not work for metrics and that is because metricbeat does not support Time series data stream TSDS Like the elastic agent integration.

You would have to test but the filebeat use case does work (I tested It for several integrations ) but metricbeat.. I'm not sure and I have not tested.