Benchmarking ES cluster using larger Rally dataset for multiple parallel indexing

The above post allowed me to create 10x indices for nyc_taxis dataset, however only the shards for one index were populated in parallel, then rolls over to next index and so on. Is there a way to populate all 10 indices in parallel?

  • 4x ES nodes, 512gb ram, 48 vcores, 30TB Flash NAS storage.
  • 1-4x Rally nodes,( 3x load generators)
  • Track: nyc_taxis.
  • Heap is 31GB

bulk_indexing_client=40, num_of_shards=40, bulk_size=175000
I got about 792k docs/s for index-append running on 1x rally node and 4x ES nodes.
CPU saturation was 50-60% on each ES nodes. Increasing number of load generators did not seem increase docs/s number. I am trying to max out cpu and storage IO. Any other ways to stress test ES nodes?

What is the use-case you are benchmarking for? What type of data will you be indexing? Will you be using time-based indices? If so - do you have a specified retention period? What is the aim of your benchmark?

Given the size of the host I would probably recommend running multiple nodes per host.

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At this time looking to benchmark Elastic for high throughput indexing. The likely use case is apache logs. The record size in http_logs track seem to be light, hence was trying on nyc_taxis track. Not particularly looking at time based indices, may be in future. Retention is likely 6 months.
Aim is to maximize ElasticSearch performance on available physical environment. I had setup another 4 ES nodes with lesser Cpu and ram. 32 vcores and 256 GB RAM - index-append came down by 20% when compared with 48vcores and 512GB ram. heap was still 31 gb for both, all other params were same. Here is what I am trying:

  1. find optimal configuration for full indexing (bulk) for cluster.
  2. find optimal configuration for searches.
  3. find optimal configuration for cluster with both search and indexing at same time.

For that type of data you almost always want to use time-based indices, e.g. through rollover together with ILM. This generally means that you are indexing into a few shards per node at most at any time. I would still recommend setting up multiple nodes per host. You could also look at the rally-eventdata-track which was designed to simulate this use case and then adapt challenges to fit you needs.

Also have a look at the following resources:

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