Best option for Wildcard Search with multimatch

which is the Best option for Wildcard Search with multimatch and why ?

Wildcard with multi-match


"query": {

"multi_match": {

"query": "*king*",

"fields": [







Alternatively to multi_match we could use a query_string query with wildcards.

"query": {

"query_string": {

"query": "*king*",

"fields": [ "text", "title" ]



Other Options are :

multimatch query requires match queries as its internal queries. and a match query doesn't support wildcards. Depending how we want to combine scores from multiple fields, we may use dis_max query 112, that can accept wildcard queries as well.

In Elasticsearch, we generally use multi_match query that uses best_fields as its default type

multimatch query requires match queries as its internal queries. and a match query doesn't support wildcards. Depending how we want to combine scores from multiple fields, we may use dis_max query 112, that can accept wildcard queries as well.

The best_fields type generates a match query for each field and wraps them in a dis_max query, to find the single best matching field. For instance, this query:

GET /_search


"query": {

"multi_match" : {

"query": "king",

"type": "best_fields",

"fields": [ "text", "title" ],

"tie_breaker": 0.3




Copy as cURL[View in Console](http://localhost:5601/app/kibana#/dev_tools/console?load_from=

would be executed as:

GET /_search


"query": {

"dis_max": {

"queries": [

{ "match": { "subject": " king" }},

{ "match": { "message": " king" }}


"tie_breaker": 0.3




Copy as cURL[View in Console](http://localhost:5601/app/kibana#/dev_tools/console?load_from=

fields and per-field boosting

Fields can be specified with wildcards, eg:

"query": {

"multi_match" : {

"query": "king",

"fields": [ "title", "*_name" ]



different field mask


"query": {

"filtered": {

"query": {

"match_all": {}


"filter": {

"bool": {

"should": [

{"query": {"wildcard": {"text": {"value": "*king*"}}}},

{"query": {"wildcard": {"title": {"value": "*king*"}}}}






}`Preformatted text`

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