ES_DIRECT_SIZE will limit the amount of direct memory, which is the one
that's allocated outside heap. So if you set ES_HEAP_SIZE to 3g and
ES_DIRECT_SIZE to 2g, for example, you can expect ES to use up to 5GB.
Also, if you're worried about running out of memory, the best way to
confirm/throw away your worries is by running a performance test: throw
more requests at a test ES than you normally do in production and see what
happens. And I wouldn't trust on top for giving accurate memory usage. I
would trust "out of memory" exceptions in ES log, or slow indexing/search
performance though.
Best regards,
On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 5:50 PM, sub ksubins321@gmail.com wrote:
You can limit the size of direct memory ES uses by setting
ES_DIRECT_SIZE from elasticsearch.in.sh (/etc/default/elasticsearch if
you installed from the DEB package, /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearh if you
installed from the RPM package).
I've set ES_DIRECT_SIZE = Heap Size = 3072M
Are you using in-memory indices? If yes, then it's normal to see an
increased amount of direct memory being used as they grow.
I haven't configured index storage in particular so I should be using the
default 'filesystem' storage.
If not, I'm not sure what other stuff ES uses direct memory for. Maybe
someone else can shed some light. I would assume it's for buffers, if you
use the default NIO FS as a storehttp://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/index-modules/store/for your indices on disk. You can use mmapfs instead, by setting
"index.store.type" to "mmapfs" - which is recommended for 64-bit machines
anyway - in your configuration or in the index settings.
Set "index.store.type: mmapfs".
ES still continues to use up more memory. A new batch of test import is in
progress and 'top' reports
4.2G usage when the ES_HEAP_SIZE was set only to 3072M. Bigdesk again
reports Committed= 2.0G and
'Used' varies from 300M to 2.4G which is very well within the
ES_HEAP_SIZE. No errors in logs also.
I shall open a new thread in this regard.
Thanks Radu,
http://sematext.com/ -- Elasticsearch -- Solr -- Lucene
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