Bitsets memory allocation

Hi ,
ES version – 1.7.5 .

I would like to get some clarifications about bitsets memory allocation .
Assuming my dataset is 100K documents and I have the below filters in my query and my index had 10 Segments
Filter #1
"range": { - this filter cover 10% of my data
"_cache": true,
"execution": "fielddata",
"created": {
"lt": 1501459472000,
"gt": 1501286731000
Filter #2
"bool": {  This filter cover 0.01% of my data
"must": [
"term": {
"tenantId": 123456

In term of memory allocation on the filter cache , both bitsets will allocation the same memory , or ES has some kind of optimization to compress it and filter #2 will required much less memory then #1


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