Book search, Parent & child mapping multiple author

Hi, I'm looking at at an example of Parent & child mapping with Book and Author. But how do I design index where a book has multiple authors and I'd like to search for books with certain tags and author.

Desired query:

  1. Find authors having name Mark or books having tag Y author X has co worked with. Will return all authors that user has worked with with name Mark or other authors in book with tag Y (not co worked with)
  2. Find all the authors with books having tag Y or Author name X
  3. Find all authors User has co authored with from publisher penguin

Example book:

 id: 1,
 authors: [1,2],
 tags: ['engineering', 'computer'],
 publisher:  'penguin'

Example author:

 id: 1,
 name: 'Mark Well'

Is it something possible with parent child mapping and if not, what would be ideal strategy?

I’d probably index books only and put all the authors details in the book document:

id: 1,
authors: [{
  id: 1,
  name: 'Mark Well'
tags: ['engineering', 'computer'],
publisher:  'penguin'

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