Boosting results at query time using java api

I am new to ES and trying to search using java apis. I am unable to figure
out how I can provide filed specific boosting using the java apis.
Here is the example:
My index document looks like:

_source": {

"th_id": 1,
"th_name": "test name",
"th_description": "test desc",
"th_image": "test-img",
"th_slug": "Make-Me-Smart",
"th_show_title": "Coast Tech Podcast",
"th_sh_category": "Alternative Health


When i search for keywords I want to boost the results higher if they found
in the "th_name" compared to they're found in some other fields.
Currently I am using below code to do search:
QueryBuilder qb1 = QueryBuilders.multiMatchQuery(keyword,
"th_name", "th_description", "th_show_title",
"th_sh_category");"Executing Query: " + qb1.toString());
SearchResponse response =

Is there anything I can do at query time to boost the document if the
keyword is found in "th_name" field compared to found in other fields?

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