Breaking down a field


so i have a
grok {
match => [ "message", " +"(?<http_ybid>[^"]*)" *%{GREEDYDATA:msg}"]

now this field could be

I would like to end up with if possible
http_ybid to equal "-" or "1234.999"

http_ybid.trans to equal "-" or "1234"
http_ybid.req to equal "-" or "999"

How can i do that ?

I'm guessing I can

if [http_ybid] = "-"
http_ybid.trans = "-"
http_ybid.req = "-"
http_ybid.trans = match up to "."
http_ybid.req = match after "."

but how do I do that ?


Should be fairly easy using the mutate filter. having a - a requirement for the fields? If not, I'd suggest using the mutate gsub option and convert the - to a 0 if that is what the value is when the doc arrives to Logstash. That way the mapping data type for the field could be an integer vs a string which is typically preferred but not always. Second, I'd use the mutate split option to split the field if it is found not to be a - (or 0). Then you'd have an array object and you could then create new fields based on those values, i.e.
If [http_ybid] != "0" {
mutate {
add_field => {
"[http_ybid][trans]" => "%{http_ybid[0]}"
"[http_ybid][req]" => "%{http_ybid[1]"}

Cool, that looks easy


Did it slightly different
mutate {
gsub => [ "http_ybid", "-", "0" ]

if [http_ybid] != "0" {
      grok {
        match => [ "http_ybid", "(?<ybid.sess>[^.]*)\.(?<ybid.trans>.*)" ]

no real reliance on on -. so the move to 0 works. guess I could just test for -

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