Browser security requirements warning when login

Hi there,

For the last few days I've been getting a warning message in the bottom right corner when I log in or open Kibana saying "Your browser does not meet the security requirements for Kibana." and is stopping me from using some functionalities such as generating PDF reports of Canvas or Dashboards.

This was not a problem last week and I've tried Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge and the issue persists across all browsers. Our environment is running Kibana 7.3.0.

Is there any configuration file or parameter that could've been changed to create this problem ?

Thank you in advance!

Kibana shows this message if a browser doesn't support content-security-policy. Which shouldn't be a problem for all the modern browsers except IE11.

Do you have a proxy in front of Kibana that could affect set CSP headers?
Do you have any error messages in the browser console? More details:

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