Bucket Sorting by Metrics in Elastic 2.x

Hi All,

I have an index containing 2 index types. I am trying to create buckets in the disease_locus index_type (3 docs) based on a link to the hits index_type (12 docs).

I am aggregating the hits documents based on a term that links these docs to their "parent" doc (not an official parent-child doc relationship) in the disease_locus index and I then want to sort the buckets that are returned but a min value in the bucket, which is filtered from a nested document in the hits. This worked in 1.7 but since upgrading to 2.x I cannot get the query to work, I get the following error...

Invalid terms aggregation order path [build_filter>filtered_result>locus_start.value]. Terms buckets can only be sorted on a sub-aggregator path that is built out of zero or more single-bucket aggregations within the path and a final single-bucket or a metrics aggregation at the path end. Sub-path [build_filter] points to non single-bucket aggregation

I can provide mapping and data to replicate the error but the character limit on this post means I wasn't able to upload.

Query that I am trying to run which throws the error...

GET /regions_test/_search?size=0&pretty

If anybody could point out why my order":{"build_filter>filtered_result>locus_start":"asc"} isn't working I would be most grateful.


Mapping for index..


Test data for hits index_type...


Test data for disease_locus index_type...
