Hi all
I have a simple field purchased
as type boolean
in my index mapping. When I generate aggregation for:
"aggs": { "terms" : { "field" : "purchased" } }
the results I have in ES 1.7.5 is:
"aggregations": {
"buckets" => [{"key"=>"T", "key_as_string"=>"true", "doc_count"=>2}, {"key"=>"F", "key_as_string"=>"false", "doc_count"=>1}]
Whilst the key differs in ES 7.4:
"aggregations": {
"buckets" => [{"key"=>1, "key_as_string"=>"true", "doc_count"=>2}, {"key"=>0, "key_as_string"=>"false", "doc_count"=>1}]
So it's seems to me ES 7.x use integer to represent boolean whilst ES 1.7 uses T|F
. Is it a breaking change or a bug?