Bug Report : Memory leak when readiness probe Curls to check the cluster health when security is enabled

Thanks David. Then we may have to look more into the part where we do the curl request and also verify any bug with kernel causing this memory issue.

Hi Cyril,
have you found a solution for that problem?

We have the same issue with https.
Our settings are close:
CentOS 7.6
K8s: 1.14
Docker 18.09.7

I think the RSS from the java process is not the problem.
But i don´t know why the node mem limit is reached.

rss 1451929600

2137989120 and growing

My workaround for this problem is change readinessprobe

- name: Authorization
value: Basic [base64 encoded user:pw]
path: /_cluster/health?local=true
port: 9200
scheme: HTTPS

This seem to be an issue caused by Centos kernel bug.

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