[bug] setup.dashboards.index not working for filebeat nor winlogbeat

Hello there!

I'm using ELK 7.13.0.
After setting setup.dashboards.index and setup.dashboards.enabled: true, Dashboards, searches and visualizations are loaded, but Dashboads shows
Could not locate that index-pattern (id: winlogbeat-*)
Could not locate that index-pattern (id: filebeat-*)

In this post it's said that

The index pattern is hard coded

but this goes against the current Filebeat Reference

Below are the relevant parts of both my winlogbeat.yml and filebeat.yml config files

setup.dashboards.enabled: true
setup.dashboards.index: "activedirectory-*"
  host: "https://kibana.foo.bar"
  space.id: "activedirectory"
    setup.dashboards.enabled: true
    setup.dashboards.index: "azure-*"
      host: "https://kibana.foo.bar"
      space.id: "azure"

Also, for filebeat, I'm using o365 module but all dashboards are installed, leaving kind of a mess in my space, no possible setup.dashboards.beat setting could prevent it. I tried a handful of settings as "O365", "Filebeat-O365-Audit", "O365-Audit", "Filebeat-O365", "o365audit", "Filebeat o365, "o365" with no success. There could be a list of accepted values in the reference page
edit: I'm posting the o365 issue in another thread to not mix things up here

Just so I fully understand, u tried to change the index pattern of the dashboards using the setting and it loaded them but didn't appear to have any affect?

The dashboars were loaded but still using the same default index pattern used by each beat client

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