Bulk API JAva

Do we need to close() the bulk request? Or can we just ignore it if we have 0 requests in there?

>         if (bulk.numberOfActions() > 0) {
>             LOGGER.debug("Elasticsearch Writing [{}]", bulk.request().requests().size());
>             BulkResponse bulkResponse = bulk.get();
>             if (bulkResponse.hasFailures()) {
>                 for (BulkItemResponse r : bulkResponse.getItems()) {
>                     LOGGER.warn("Errors on Bulk Update {}", r.getFailureMessage());
>                 }
>             }
>             if (isImmediate) {
>                 commitTransaction(client, true);
>             }
>         } else {
>             LOGGER.info("Elasticsearch bulk request was 0 actions");
>         }

If you mean BulkRequestBuilder, it is not closable, so you don't need to and and cannot close it.

By the way, have you seen BulkProcessor? It is typically a good place to start when you are dealing with bulk indexing from java.

Question for you.

We are using:

bulk.add(client.prepareUpdate(newIndexname, documentType, documentId)
.setScript(new Script(ScriptType.INLINE, "painless", "ctx._source." + DATA_FIELD + "." + field + ".remove(ctx._source." + DATA_FIELD + "." + field + ".indexOf(params.val));", params))

Will this work with the Bulk Processor?

There appears to be only these 2 calls with it?

bulkProcessor.add(new IndexRequest("twitter", "tweet", "1").source(/* your doc here */));
bulkProcessor.add(new DeleteRequest("twitter", "tweet", "2"));

The method signature is public BulkProcessor add(DocWriteRequest request) and DocWriteRequest is implemented by DeleteRequest, IndexRequest, and UpdateRequest. Did you try it? Did you get any error messages?

Thanks that works.

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