Bulk Import of data for different indices in presence of enrich ingest pipeline


  • I have two indices: devices and events
  • devices has an enrich policy associated with it and a pipeline was created to enable this data enrichment. This pipeline works fine.
  • i want to bulk import JSON objects for devices and events. When i bulk import data for both indices, the pipeline does not work.
  • when i bulk import data for devices only, the pipeline works.

Does anyone know why this happens and is there a work around for this?

It'd be useful if you could share an example of the bulk request you are sending.

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Sorry about that. Here is the bulk request:

POST /_bulk

The pipeline enriches the manufacturer.id and services.uuid fields.

I just tested it and the pipeline only works if i bulk import the same data twice. Is there a way for me to accomplish the enrichment by bulk importing once?

It also works fine if i do a simple curl request

Where are you defining the pipeline, is it just a default one for the index/indices?

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