Bulk index efficiency advice

Client: net6.0 v8.13.10
Elastic: v8.13.0

Using .NET TPL I have managed to improve our bulk operation efficiency to the point where Elastic is now our bottleneck. We need to load 250+ million records and the indexing task is noticeably slower than the load from database and transform.

I have attempted to follow all best practices I could find for designing indexes, only indexing searchable fields, configuring elastic instance, etc.

Can/should I parallel bulk calls (currently queued and processed one at a time)?

Are there improvements to be made to the bulk call below?

     var waiter = new CountdownEvent(1);
     var bulk = Client.BulkAll(batch, b => b //batch <= 1000 records
         .Size(batch.Count()), cancellationToken);
     bulk.Subscribe(new BulkAllObserver(
         onError: (e) => throw e,
         onCompleted: () => waiter.Signal()
 catch (Exception e)
     _logger.LogError("Error in bulk indexing: {message}\r\n{stack}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);

Absolutely. If you are not sending bulk requests in parallel across multiple connections to Elasticsearch that lack of parallelism is likely your bottleneck. When I have run benchmarks I have always required multiple parallel indexing jobs to saturate Elasticsearch. Exacty how many parallel tasks are ideal and what the optimal bulk size is will depend on your cluster, data and sharding strategy as well as what other load the cluster is under, so this is something you need to test.

You can see this recommended in the official documentation.

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