Bulk insert from file, SSL record too big

Hello all,
I am trying to following along with an acloud.guru ES deep dive and there is a section that you bulk insert ndjson files.

I also tried the curl examples from elasic.co

I receive the follow from curl:

* About to connect() to localhost port 9200 (#0)
*   Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 9200 (#0)
* Initializing NSS with certpath: sql:/etc/pki/nssdb
* SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.
* Closing connection 0
curl: (35) SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.

I moved the heap to 4gb and ran it on a data only node to rule out any memory issues with the master node and still the same error.

Any suggestions? Is this a curl issue maybe?
Thanks in advance for help


Could you share how you're starting elasticsearch locally and your curl example please?

In a 3 node cluster and running curl from the nodes to localhost. Here is the curl command:

curl -u elastic --insecure -H 'Content-Type: application/x-ndjson' -X POST https://localhost:9200/bank/_bulk --data-binary @accounts.json -v

Can you perform a normal curl request to elasticsearch? Just to double check its not to do with the SSL cert here.

yes normal curls work including creating indicies so POST, PUT, and GET all working it is only when I try to do a bulk insert. I also tried to do a bullk with only a few records and I even shortened the records. I also tried the elastic.co example that was a small record and count of records.

could you try with a single node example and worth following our documentation to start this node. I get the feeling theres something up with the communication between the nodes as it propagates the change across nodes.

Any update on this @Terry_Lowery ?

No update. I am manly focused on a cluster

Are you still facing issues with SSL or is it something else?

Is your Elasticsearch running with SSL enabled?

What if you post to http:// instead of https://?

Only SSL is enabled http is not allowed. All calls and verbs work except for doing a bulk insert from file. I can preform any actions except this one.

I see.

What is the size of the file?

Have you tried breaking the file into halves and try to ingest them separately?

The error is confusing to me - it does not feel directly related to Elasticsearch

Yeah I even broke the record down to something smaller and removed a lot of the fields, I also tried using the ES examples on bulk and it didn't work. I was also leaning towards maybe it is a curl issue.


You can try debugging it by sending bulk requests from different clients: CURL, Postman, maybe a small python script.

When you send the payload, do you see anything interesting in Elasticsearch logs? You might need to enable debug logs for it.