Bulk insert to Elastic from Logstash "bulk_path"

I have a huge csv file, like 500k rows, that I'm processing and want to push to elastic

This output:

elasticsearch {
        index => "%{pipelineId}"
        hosts => ["${domain:port}/"]

outputs one document at a time! it takes like 11-14 mins.
Here is what I'm doing to do bulk but it takes the same time as above!

elasticsearch {
        index => "%{pipelineId}"
        hosts => ["${domain:port}/"]
        bulk_path => "${domain:port}/_bulk"

any ideas why?

What makes you think the elasticsearch output is sending one document at a time?

@Badger I'm outputting on the terminal every time it sends to elasticsearch

    stdout { codec => rubydebug }
    file {
        path => "/usr/share/output/output.json"
        codec => "json_lines"

and also the time, 11-13 mins for 500k json document pushed to ES

The elasticsearch output uses the bulk API to load data. I haven't checked the code, but I would expect it to load each pipeline batch (by default 125 events) as a single API call.

It would not surprise me if rubydebug is your rate-limiting component. How long does it take if you remove the non-elasticsearch outputs.

I just ran it, with 854430 docs pushed to ES, it took 9 minutes.

What is the size of your documents? What is the size and specification of your Elasticsearch cluster?

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