I have a problem since last Sunday with my ELK. All Windows machines which are monitored can't send events to the ELK server, in winlogbeat log there is something like:
2016-12-06T15:18:03+01:00 INFO Bulk item insert failed (i=34, status=503): {"type":"unavailable_shards_exception","reason":"[winlogbeat-2016.12.04][0] primary shard is not active Timeout: [1m], request: [shard bulk {[winlogbeat-2016.12.04][0]}]"}
2016-12-06T15:18:03+01:00 INFO Bulk item insert failed (i=35, status=503): {"type":"unavailable_shards_exception","reason":"[winlogbeat-2016.12.04][0] primary shard is not active Timeout: [1m], request: [shard bulk {[winlogbeat-2016.12.04][0]}]"}
2016-12-06T15:18:03+01:00 INFO Error publishing events (retrying): temporary bulk send failure
2016-12-06T15:18:03+01:00 INFO send fail
2016-12-06T15:18:03+01:00 INFO backoff retry: 1m0s
Software which I use:
I wasn't able to find solution, maybe someone will help me with my problem.