C# NEST ElasticSearch 2.3.4 client returns additional instances


I have only one document in my ElasticSearch index with Events_Id == 986147

|Animal_Id|EventName|Events_Id|Extras          |Farm_Id|Farmer_Id|Time         |
|126248   |Abortion |986147   |[null,null,null]|5095   |-1       |1419634800000|

but when I execute in C#:

 var r1 = client.Search<Nesting>(new 
        Query = new TermQuery {Field = "Events_Id", Value = "986147"}

I got 3x instances
where first two don't exist in ES (they have totaly new value for parameter Time):

Nesting(Events_Id:986147, Animal_Id:126248, Farm_Id:5095, Time:1420473746707, EventName:Abortion, Farmer_Id:-1, Extras:)
Nesting(Events_Id:986147, Animal_Id:126248, Farm_Id:5095, Time:1420473746707, EventName:Abortion, Farmer_Id:-1, Extras:)

Nesting(Events_Id:986147, Animal_Id:126248, Farm_Id:5095, Time:1419634800000, EventName:Abortion, Farmer_Id:-1, Extras:From_Stall_Id:, To_Stall_Id:, HoldingPen_Id:)

My schema looks like:

 |-- Animal_Id: long (nullable = true)
 |-- EventName: string (nullable = true)
 |-- Events_Id: long (nullable = true)
 |-- Extras: struct (nullable = true)
 |    |-- From_Stall_Id: long (nullable = true)
 |    |-- HoldingPen_Id: long (nullable = true)
 |    |-- To_Stall_Id: long (nullable = true)
 |-- Farm_Id: long (nullable = true)
 |-- Farmer_Id: long (nullable = true)
 |-- Time: long (nullable = true)

and C# classes:

class NestedExtras
	long? From_Stall_Id { get; set; }
	long? To_Stall_Id { get; set; }
	long? HoldingPen_Id { get; set; }

class Nesting
	long? Events_Id { get; set; }
	long? Animal_Id { get; set; }
	long? Farm_Id { get; set; }

	long? Time { get; set; }

	string EventName { get; set; }
	long? Farmer_Id { get; set; }
	NestedExtras Extras { get; set; }

I have tested with HTTP-API and SPARK-ES and they return only one document so I must be something missing about C#/NEST nullable or something like that?

I didn't specify exact index/type so NEST searched for all indexes for specified type:

 var client = new ElasticClient(new ConnectionSettings(
        new Uri("http://localhost:9200"))
      .DefaultTypeNameInferrer(type => "activity_log")