hello all,
I'm in the need to calculate the time difference manually without the elapsed plug-in as my end time varies & may got to 24hour with a very big amount of logs. I managed to get the start time from the old log by:
elasticsearch {
query => "Event:'Sent' AND ID:%{[ID]}"
index => "mylog*"
result_size => "1"
enable_sort => "false"
fields => { "@timestamp" => "SentTime" }
It actually works fine & return the right date in the format "2017-03-29T22:00:03.000Z"
But it's going bad with: return values in this format "January 18th 1970, 08:07:09.056"
ruby {
code => "event.set('[SecondsToDeliver]', event.get('@timestamp').to_f - event.get('SentTime').to_f)"
add_tag => [ "rubyfilter" ]
I'm sure it is a trivial syntax error but i can't manage to catch it to work with logstash V5.