Calculating purcentage in a metric

Sorry if its not the right section, thats cause im new :frowning_face:

Im facing an issue with a codec expression that should allow me to calculate the purcentage of Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) client that have the Antivirus engine ON.

Bellow is my script

essql ""
query="SELECT COUNT( AS asset, COUNT(antivirus.avengine_onoff) AS AVon FROM "soc-asset-sep-" WHERE (antivirus.lastupdate > NOW()- INTERVAL 20 DAYS AND antivirus.avengine_onoff like 'Enabled')"
| math
{string "asset/" {filters group="" ungrouped=true | essql "" query="SELECT COUNT( AS asset, COUNT(antivirus.avengine_onoff) AS AVon FROM "soc-asset-sep-
" WHERE (antivirus.lastupdate > NOW()- INTERVAL 20 DAYS) and antivirus.avengine_onoff like 'Enabled'" | math "AVon"}}
| formatnumber "0%"
| metric
metricFont={font size=48 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color="#000000" align="center" lHeight=48}
labelFont={font size=14 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color="#000000" align="center"}
| render

This only show (in the preview) a list of the IDs with the status of the AVengine Enabled, how can i tranlate it to a % ?

Thanks you in advance for you help.

Kind regards

Hi @AchrafNGZ

I think you have an issue in your expression with some unescaped strings. You have quotes around the index name "soc-asset-sep-" but that is in the larger query="" so those unescaped quotes are breaking the expression. You can escape them with a backslash like `FROM "soc-asset-sep-"

Here is a similar expression using one of our sample data sets to display a percent metric of orders that contain exactly 2 unique products.

| essql
query="SELECT count(total_quantity) as cnt FROM \"kibana_sample_data_ecommerce\"
where total_unique_products = 2"
| math {string "cnt/" {filters | essql query="SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM \"kibana_sample_data_ecommerce\"" | math "cnt" }}
| formatnumber "0%"
| metric label="Percent of orders with 2 unique products"
| render

Hope that helps

Hi @corey.robertson & thank you for your replay,

When tuning your expression, i have the value of the assets (when i click preview) but it give 100%, its lke its not doing any math :frowning:


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