Calculating the Sum of a field by grouping

Hi Team,

I am trying to merge two documents based on a common key in logstash and i am able to achieve this by using a elastic input filter and elastic filter in filter section for the lookup data. Now i wanted to calculate the sum of the price for each shop and add it into the index3 as a field. Could you please help how i can achieve this in the same logstash pipeline.

The data before merging:

Source	     price	         shop_id	
AMAZON	     234        12345	
AMAZON	     44	    12345	
AMAZON	     6	            12345

My index2:
shop amount

12345 400

Combined index3 based on shop:

Source1	     price	total_price	shop_id1	shop_id2	amount
AMAZON	     234	284         12345	12345	400
AMAZON	     44	    284         12345 12345	400
AMAZON	     6	    284         12345	12345	400

My current logstash pipeline config
input {
elasticsearch {
cloud_id => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
proxy => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
index => "index1"
query => '{"query": {"match_phrase": {"information": "MOV_VN_8599771"}}}'
ssl => true
user => "xxxxxxxxxx"
password => "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

filter {
elasticsearch {
cloud_id => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
proxy => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
index => "index2"
query => "information:%{[information]}"
ssl => true
user => "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
password => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
fields => {
"[source]" => "[source]"
"[price]" => "[price]"
"[shop]" => "[shop]"

output {
stdout {
codec => rubydebug
elasticsearch {
cloud_id => "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
proxy => "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
index => "index3"
ssl => true
user => "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
password => "xxxxxxxxxxx"
action => "create"

is there any way i can achieve the grouping in the same logstash pipeline to get my desired utput.