Call a Value of a Field in alert message

Hi there,

I'm using ELK 8.11.2
I have a use case about alerting and I found the type rule that matches perfectly with my use case, now I have created an alert using a custom threshold type rule but the problem is I can't call a field value like when I use the elasticsearh query type rule by using context.hits

I tried to do the same thing here but it gives me nothing in the message when the rule is firing. here is a snippet of the alert message. the point where I tried to call a field value

                    "title":"Container name",
                    "value":"{{#context.hits}} {{}} {{/context.hits}}"

I found this documentation that said context.hits is only for elasticsearch query type rule and I can't find documentation to do that using custom threshold type rule.

Here is the overview of my rule. the aggregation is document count, the threshold is 2 and I grouped it by field

Can anyone help with this, please?

I know, I can simply make a rule using an elastic query type rule, but if I do that. I would be flooding my cluster with so many rules. so I decided to use this type of rule.
