Can a Boosting Query be applied to multiple values of a given field?

Hi guys,

Re 5.0 Boosting Queries

I'm interested in the best way to boost scores based on the importance of kinds of text (e.g. titles, comments), etc.

I'm experimenting with a mapping that uses a nested object containing 2 fields: text and weight, and I want to boost scores at query time based on the values of the weight field.

Is this possible with the "boosting" query? From results using the query below, I see that the docs that match the "positive" clause are boosted, but scores for other docs are unchanged. Am I doing something wrong?

  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": {
        "nested": {
          "path": "content",
          "score_mode": "avg",
          "query":  {
            "bool": {
                  {"match": {"content.text": "aid"} }
                 {"boosting": {
                    "positive": {
                      "term" : {"content.weight": 2}
                    "negative": {
                      "term" : {"content.weight": 0}
                    "negative_boost": 0.5

I have documents with weight values of 0,1,2; the only scores affected based on my tests are those with weight 2.


Given your use-case, it might be simpler and more flexible to use script_score.

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