Can fielddata_fields be used in mget request?

I am trying to get the fielddata from a not_analyzed field in Multi Get query. It is working fine in _search queries.

This is what I've tried with no luck:

curl -XGET "http://es:9200/articles/article/_mget/?pretty&fielddata_fields=url" -d '{"ids" : ["5763197951"]}'

curl -XGET "http://es:9200/articles/article/_mget/?pretty" -d '{"fielddata_fields": ["url"], "ids" : ["5763197951"]}'

curl -XGET "http://es:9200/articles/article/_mget/?pretty" -d '{"docs" : [{"_id" : "5763197951", "fielddata_fields": ["url"]}]}'

It looks like fielddata_fields is completely ignored, since I always get this result:

  "docs" : [ {
    "_index" : "articles",
    "_type" : "article",
    "_id" : "5763197951",
    "_version" : 1,
    "found" : true
  } ]

I'm running ES version 1.4.4 with JVM: 1.8.0_31
Edit: I just tried the above with a test database running ES 2.2.2 with the same results...

My index mapping is the following:


_mget is not search, it is a get by ID.
Fielddata never applies to a get.

Thank you for the reply!