Can I accomplish this facet with my data structure?

I have provided a sample record below and I want to see if based on this
data, I can output the facet I am looking for.

user: {
name: "bob",
metadata: [
questionid: 448
parameterid: cid
response: 71668
questionid: 449
parameterid: dc
response: AP100
questionid: 450
parameterid: cc
response: GHUE

I am looking to create a facet that will tell me the number of occurrences
for the responses based on the paramterid groups. So for example:

71668 (3)

AP100 (2)

DHUE (3)

The numbers in the parenthesis indicate a sample of how many of each were
found - these of course are made up numbers.

So basically, I want to ensure I group each of the responses by the
parameterid. So for example if GHUE actually appeared under the "dc"
parameterid, it would be counted under that group and we would see a DHUE
under each cc and dc.

I hope that makes sense.

Thanks in advance.


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Perhaps this might describe what you're looking for. It's based on ES
version 0.90.X:

I don't know what's in store for ES 1.X that might implement this.

I hope this helps you!


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