Question about Logstash (Elastic Stack). Can someone give me a pointer on how to add a new field (add_field) that will format a number with leading zeroes?
e.g. given somefield == 123 then someotherfield == "00123".
Do you always want to leading zeroes or do you always want the string to be five characters long? (Either way the answer would be to use a mutate filter's gsub option, but an exact answer depends on the details.)
Yes.and yes. Always leading zeroes always five chars long.
Unless the field already is a string use a mutate filter's convert option to coerce it into a string. Then do this:
if [somefield] =~ /^\d{3}$/ {
mutate {
replace => {
"somefield" => "00%{somefield}"
This one takes care of strings of length three that need to zeroes prepended. Repeat to support strings of different lengths.
You could also use a ruby filter. Such a configuration would be more compact and possibly faster.
Thank you Magnus
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