Can logstash output an XML file?

Hello Guys,

I am fairly new to logstash and want to know few things before implementing anything further.
I have a requirement to write into logstash, logs which are in json format and then logstash should output an xml file to be consumed by a second system which understands xml.
So can logstash parse json and output an xml file out of this json file?

To give some more information here is what I need:
Virtual Machine >> writes json to logstash-forwarder >> logstash consumes this json >> logstash parses this information and produces an xml output


Virtual Machine >> writes json to logstash >> logstash parses this information and produces an xml output

what is the best way we can do this?

I don't know of an XML codec for Logstash. Your best option might be to use the exec or pipe output to feed the message as e.g. JSON to a separate program that converts it to XML.