Can logstash's Google Cloud Storage output plugin do persistent transmission after restart machine?

Using this config for logstash's output. It's using /tmp/logstash-gcs as a local folder. Send to GCS when file become 1024 kbytes.

input {
  beats {
    port => 5044

filter {}

output {
  google_cloud_storage {
    bucket => "gcs-bucket-name"
    json_key_file => "/secrets/service_account/credentials.json"
    temp_directory => "/tmp/logstash-gcs"
    log_file_prefix => "logstash_gcs"
    max_file_size_kbytes => 1024
    output_format => "json"
    date_pattern => "%Y-%m-%dT%H:00"
    flush_interval_secs => 2
    gzip => false
    gzip_content_encoding => false
    uploader_interval_secs => 60
    include_uuid => true
    include_hostname => true

After restart machine, can it continuous do the job schedule without any data loss?
Does it has a queue feature to manage as pub/sub?

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