Can not create a custom normalizer using char filter [html_strip]

I try to save the custom normalizer as part of composite template. Receiving below error:

illegal_argument_exception', 'Custom normalizer [lower_normalizer] may not use char filter [html_strip]

Normalizer is defined as below:

    "template": {
        "settings": {
            "analysis": {
                "normalizer": {
                    "lower_normalizer": {
                        "type": "custom",
                        "char_filter": [
                        "filter": [


Hi @voaix

I believe it is some limitation of use but if you want to use normalizer to obtain just one token you could use a keyword analyzer.


GET /_analyze
   "tokenizer": "keyword",
   "filter": [
     "lower case"
   "char_filter": [
   "text": "this is a <b>test</b>"
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