Can not create a document has mutlipolygon having hole

Hi all , can anyone help me
I am facing a following issue .

Can not create a document has multipolygon having hole.

This is the screenshot of the shp file in qgis:

Expected behavior
The document is successfuly created.

Actual behavior
Can not create a document.
The reponse is status 400.

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"invalid_shape_exception","reason":"invalid_shape_exception: Invalid shape: Hole is not within polygon"}],"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"failed to parse [geometry]","caused_by":{"type":"invalid_shape_exception","reason":"invalid_shape_exception: Invalid shape: Hole is not within polygon"}},"status":400}

ES 6.7.8

You should definitely upgrade to at least 7.17 and better to 8.11.2.
Many things have been improved over the years and specifically on the geo side...

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