Can we filter document in nested object with user.metadata jobs?

I'm new on Elastic solutions and i'm actually testing x-pack.

I am searching to filter what can see users in an Elasticsearch index, futhermore I want to filter some document into a nested object.

I will explain a short scenario: We got two users: Alice and Bob Alice work on X and Bob work on Y We got document about Movies : Example: name : Matrix date : 1999 actors : [Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne]

Now I want to filter what can see Alice and Bob in the actors field. By example Keanu Reeves can be seen by who work on X and Laurence Fishburne can be seen by who work on Y.

To do this I am tring to use X-Pack security properties but I have some problems and maybe you will help me.

There is my Index mapping :

{"settings": {
        "index": {
            "number_of_replicas": 0,
            "number_of_shards": 1
    "mappings": {
            "properties": {
                "security_attributes": {
                    "properties": {
            "level": {"type":"short"},
                        "jobs": {"type":"keyword"},
                        "min_jobs": {"type":"short"}
                            "level": {"type":"short"},
                                        "jobs": {"type":"keyword"},
                                        "min_jobs": {"type":"short"}
                    "name":{ "type": "string"}

And I try to grant a query template at user roles.

                        {"lte": "{{_user.metadata.level}}"}}},
                    "minimum_should_match_field": "security_attributes.min_jobs"}}}]}}"}

To filter document by roles or jobs that work know I want to filter inside the nested object by jobs but I don't know how I can add this filter to the previous template.

Someone have an idea ?

I'm afraid this is not possible.

You can control which fields are visible to which users, and you can control which documents are visible to each user, but you cannot filter a field.

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