Can you base one Saved Search on top of another Saved Search?

The short question: Does Kibana allow you to base one Saved Search on top of another saved search ?

The longer description:

I have a large dataset that I loaded into Kibana. I developed 20 different visualizations against that data, and then several dashboards.

I occasionally "upgrade" that data by adding some fields, or perhaps changing some parameters in my logstash parse. Up until now, I've been able to manage several large copies of the same dataset by using the "type" field in ElasticSearch.

Data set #1 has a type field of "incidents1"

Data set #2 has a type field of "incidents2", and so on.

I then have a saved search in Kibana which refers to that type field.

I then have all the visualizations built on top of that one Saved Search.

Up until now, this has worked well for me. When I'm ready to change "upgrade" the data from one version to another, all I have to do is alter that one "Saved Search" within the Discover tab. And Voila, all my Visualizations are now referring to the new data set.

Now the problem: There are times when I would like to use the additional capability of a complex saved search (from the Discover tab), but I still want to maintain the ability to "switch" data sets with that single modification described above.

I think the feature I need is: Does Kibana allow you to base one Saved Search on top of another saved search ?

I think you're describing something similar to this enhancement, is that right? If so, please feel free to add your comments to this ticket: