Cannot load class org.elasticsearch.spark.sql.SparkSQLCompatibilityLevel

I am running a Java Spark application. I can run the application from inside the intellij IDE. However, if I try to run it using the application built as a jar I get the following error.

Caused by: org.elasticsearch.hadoop.EsHadoopIllegalStateException: Cannot load class [org.elasticsearch.spark.sql.SparkSQLCompatibilityLevel]

spark-core_2.10 v 1.6.3
elasticsearch-spark-13_2.10 v 5.6.8

The problem seems identical to the one encountered in this thread.

However, no mention is given of how to fix this.

Since the job succeeds when launched from the IDE but not when built as a jar, I would double check that the ES-Spark jars are indeed available on the classpath for your spark program.

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The cause is the class is loaded dynamically, so this can bug if you optimize the jar (or minimize it via Maven share plugin for instance).

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