Kibana version: 6.8.0
Elasticsearch version: 6.8.0
APM Server version: 6.8.0
APM Agent language and version: Ruby
Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, deb, from source, etc.) and version: From source
Hello Team,
I have created the two custom labels in my posts_controller in my rails Application
ElasticAPM.set_label(:controller_info, params['controller'])
I can only query the clientid and not controller_info :
Here is the screenshot of the above mentioned issue
Can able to query the context.tags.clientid
Can't able to query the context.tags.controller_info
But both the tags are available in the tags section
Also, I thought of digging into Discover to figure out the issue
I figured out that ? sign near the controller_info, while itsnt present before the clientid..
How to work arround this and start working..
Thanks in advance ..